Nancy Kruse
University of Tulsa
Nancy has a long history as a member of the CPD division. She has served in numerous capacities over the years including CPD chair, Board Member, Program Chair, and Membership Chair. She has also presented numerous sessions and workshops at both the ASEE annual and CIEC conferences. Most recently, as a part of the Division’s Strategic Plan, she helped establish a new Membership, Marketing, and Communications Committee for the division to allow individuals to focus on each of these areas to promote and serve the CPDD membership.
“Getting things done” is one of Nancy’s strengths. Once Nancy undertakes a project, she devotes the time and effort to get it done. She was instrumental in conducting a membership drive for the division. Her work with the University of Tulsa’s Continuing Engineering and Science Education has exemplified this work ethic as well as her ability to be a valuable team member.
As a colleague remarked when asked about Nancy’s work, “Nancy really has rotated off the Board continues to work hard on committees that promote CPDD (her legacy is marketing).” And “she has her own infectious style and I can’t imagine CPDD without her in the mix. Her professional work at Tulsa also really embodies CPD. They are entirely focused on University/Industry partnerships in continuing education and share that knowledge freely with CPDD.”
Her talent has been recognized by many organizations. CIEC has recognized her contributions by naming her best session and best moderator on multiple occasions. Two workshops conducted by Nancy, “Tequila Shot Marketing” and “How to be Successful with Non-Credit Programs,” were named as Best Workshops at CIEC.
In addition to her contributions to the technical side of CIEC, her creativity and fun personality have brought many an entertaining reception to CIEC for excellent networking opportunities. She is totally dedicated to all aspects of the organization and its success.
Finally, Nancy’s warmth and friendly demeanor has allowed newcomers to the field to believe they have a role to play in starting their contributions to the field of continuing professional development of engineers.
Her contributions to the division, her sessions at CIEC, and her mentoring of new division members are a big part of why she, as did Joe Biedenbach, has inspired us!