Value of MOOCs to Practicing Engineers and Employers

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    Kim Scalzo

    <b>What is the value of MOOCs to practicing engineers and their employers?</b>

    – How can we engage industry to experience MOOCs?  Should we?

    – What value do MOOCs have on a resume or for career advancement?

    – Should universities accept MOOCs credentials?

    – Will this change in the future?

    – What is ABETs assessment on MOOCs?  How do MOOCs fit with educational program accreditation?

    Mark Schuver

    1)  Will have value to both students and employers to allow via distance.

    2) Ask question to employees “How are you moving career forward”  MOOC’s can be one answered.

    3) Must trust that continued trials will allow challenges to be overcome


    Richard Corey

    Value of MOOCs to practicing engineers is that it provides a low cost means of continuing education that is flexible and may not be tied to their employer.

    Value to employer can include the recognition of having a support from a recognized university for an employee’s online program.


    MOOCs can meet an identified skill gap or competency gap in industry employees.

    The low/no cost could be very advantageous to employers, since they often pay the cost of continuing education of their employees.

    Employers need to know that a course/program teaches their employees what the employer needs to know.

    MOOC format facilitates reaching the global workforce, global supply chain of an employer.

    A company is often more interested in their employees acquiring needed information/competency rather than getting a degree.  A MOOC could meet their needs even better, because employees beefing up their resume with an additional resume might actually make them more likely or able to move to another job.

    MOOCs can address education needs in areas that are rapidly changing.  Could meet this need even better if courses were “on demand”.

    An employer might want specific individuals to have competency in one area, and other individuals to have competency in another.  So they might take different courses, easily done with MOOC.



    Richard Corey

    One of the greatest value is to the practicing engineer through reduced cost for an equivalent education.


    If I have an employee that’s completed a MOOC, how do I know she/he learned anything?  (A cynic would say the same thing about how we award grades in traditional courses 🙂 but it’s a bigger issue with MOOCs.)

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