Challenges and Best Practices

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  • #127
    Kim Scalzo

    <b>Share some best practices/challenges in developing, delivering MOOCs</b><b></b>

    – How best is a MOOC marketed?  Any lessons learned?

    – Who pays for delivering a MOOC?  What are the business models?

    – Can existing University units (IT, instructional design, etc.) be scaled appropriately to handle the demand?  What additional capabilities are needed?

    – How do we assess learning in a MOOC?  Should grades be awarded?

    – What are the barriers to developing a MOOC?  What are some possibly remedies to this challenge?

    Richard Corey

    MOOC’s can be marketed via content distribution systems: Coursera, Udacity, Blackboard

    Provides a platform for faculty to demonstrate to the masses their research capabilities and secure additional funding.

    Richard Corey

    Important to adopt practices used in distance learning to develop relationship with students so they maintain their relationship with the university as alumni.

    Mark Schuver

    1) What defines a best practice re MOOCS?

    2) Convince faculty of value

    3) All innovation has cost implications


    Regarding, how to assess the quality of a MOOC:  may place more burden for determining what was learned on the employer, and their ability to test candidates for desired competency.

    one example of best practice: When a course is developed, create a list of objectives for what you wish the students to be able to do when they complete the course.


    Barriers?  It’s all about RISK (and change) – financial, pedogogical, faculty engagement/time, public perceptions, institutional culture…. the list is endless.


    What is the value of HRSU (Highly Regarded State University) in a MOOC world?  What value do we bring to learning when it’s all out there?

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